-- card: 48447 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 3633 -- name: Calendar List -- part 25 (field) -- low flags: 01 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=11 top=56 right=71 bottom=233 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 10 -- style flags: 256 -- line height: 13 -- part name: subhead -- part 26 (field) -- low flags: 01 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=241 top=56 right=71 bottom=463 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 10 -- style flags: 256 -- line height: 13 -- part name: subhead -- part 30 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A003 -- rect: left=17 top=140 right=159 bottom=207 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 10 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 13 -- part name: Calendar List Dialog Box ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp go card id 78678 end mouseUp -- part 31 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A003 -- rect: left=246 top=215 right=234 bottom=434 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 10 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 13 -- part name: Delete Calendar Dialog Box ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp go card id 71238 end mouseUp -- part contents for card part 25 ----- text ----- Calendar List... -- part contents for card part 26 ----- text ----- Delete Calendar... -- part contents for background part 6 ----- text ----- Displays a list of all the calendars associated with the current project. The Project Calendar is listed first, followed by the resource calendars in alphabetical order. -- part contents for background part 7 ----- text ----- Displays an alphabetized list of all the resource calendars associated with the current project. You delete a calendar from the project by selecting the calendar name, then clicking Delete. To select more than one calendar, hold down Shift or Command while selecting the names. Important: You cannot undo a calendar deletion. -- part contents for background part 28 ----- text ----- Calendar List & Delete Calendar -- part contents for background part 27 ----- text ----- The Dates Menu